
I’m Pamela Redmond Satran, and I’m old enough to have written 17 books, including five novels (Younger, The Man I Should Have Married) and ten bestselling baby-naming books (Beyond Jennifer & Jason, Cool Names for Babies) coauthored with Linda Rosenkrantz.  Linda and I are also the developers of a big new baby-naming site called nameberry.  I also cowrite The Glamour List, write for The Daily Beast and The Huffington Post, and am the author of a book called 1000 Ways To Be A Slightly Better Woman.

I’ve been married since before most of my editors were born, and have three children: Rory, who’s an editor of the fashion magazine Self Service in Paris; Joe, who’s a junior at Yale; and Owen, who’s trying to do well enough in high school to go to college very far faway.  I live in Montclair, NJ, where I founded a group of nearly 800 writers and editors called MEWS.  For even more about me, go to my website.
Here’s an extremely airbrushed photoshopped picture of me taken by my friend, the excellent photographer Alexa Garbarino

11 responses to “Me

  1. Margo Garrison

    I have always cringed when people near to my age group say “That rocks!”
    Now I feel justified.
    Thank you. Fun stuff. Easy to read and great photos.
    -Margo Garrison

  2. Benilde Little

    You’re a gen…you always know just what to do (write) at just the right time. I laughed out loud, I mean, lol, at so much and really believe I know, and practice, most of these already; two exceptions, I have no problem complaining about my tech challenges and the waxing. I think there’s something wrong with this generation who think the total elimination is cute (or sexy or cool). I think it’s, like, ew.

  3. Laura Linn

    I love your blog…really, really funny! Almost every entry struck a chord, and I’m 35 and don’t even have kids yet to remind me how old and disconnected I am. Of course, not having kids probably makes me more disconnected…I don’t even know what Twitter is.

  4. Pam, I just discovered your place. It’s great! It’ll become a destination on my nearly daily rounds. Also, speaking of Baby Names – hey, you brought it up during the introduction – if it so please the court. As Beatles fans, we named our son Harrison and our four year old daughter is named McCartney Raye (the Raye is for my grandfather Raymond). Thought I would throw those in in case you ever write another baby name book.

  5. Priscilla Sebel

    I am Christina’s sister Cynthia’s mother-in-law, and she sent me the link to your list of no-no’s indicating aging(that phrase is probably one of them). The real deal is for all of us to stop stressing about aging and embrace the process. As long as we are still curious about the world we are viable beings. Your generation is lucky will have fun being old (not lame ducks) because there will be so many of you that you will set the standard.
    It was fun to read your guidelines though and I loved the one about the names since I always wanted to have a “usual” name. Now, finally, Priscilla must be “in.”

  6. Thank you for the invitation to your site…

    It is so funny and amazing that we have basically the same outlook on a lot of issues! Perhaps it is just that we prefer to see the humor…

    Laughing is so much better than complaining and crying! Who wants to hear that?!?!?!? LOL
    NOT me!

    We even have some of the same pics posted…
    Well, they do say that great minds work in the same circles…is that how that goes…??? Any who…I hope to see you soon and often…

    See ya’ in the funny papers…

    Southern smiles and world peace,
    ~The Baby Boomer Queen~
    author of BabyBoomerAdvisorClub

  7. Holly Cara Price

    Hi Pam! are you back in the real world yet after our week in paradise with the best writing teacher ever in the history of the world ~ your blog rocks ~
    red beans ‘n’ rice,

  8. Just found your site through Jen Singer – it’s fabulous! Thanks for putting a big smile on my face!

  9. Hi Pam,

    I found you through Publisher’s Lunch. Congratulations on your book sale. I will look forward to reading it when it comes out in ’09. In the meantime, delicious blog.

  10. i’ve got a “keep on truckin'” tat on my upper left arm that was applied in 1971 when i was 29. without too much pain (and expense)is there an easy way of removing it? my grandkids don’t get it at all and my kids think i’m just an anacronism. HELP!

  11. I am going to probably break one of the cardinal rules of how not to act like an old coot and actually borrow a phrase from my teenaged (Ok, formerly teenaged kids) and…Oh My God- I so totally love this site, wow!. I too am a Jersey girl who keeps trying to leave and keeps getting pulled back in. I actually did live in San Francisco for 16 years but then ended up back here in Joisy for reasons I really don’t understand. I think I love you.

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